Teas for Weight Loss

So I'm sure most of you have heard about Green Tea being good for weight loss but why?

I did a little research and found the following: firstly, Green Tea is known to have a high level of caffeine. Drinking 5 cups a day has been shown to burn an extra 70-80 calories through Thermogenisis - head production in organisisms. Green Tea also contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG.), which is a powerful oxidant that enhances fat oxidation.

Different ways to get Green Tea - There's the obvious conventional drinking of the tea, but there's also Green Tea pills. I went to look at them since I wasn't sure I could drink 5 cups a day in addition to the water and milk I drink. Most of them list EGCG content, so that's useful to compare. However, taking the equivalent of 5 a day, I did not notice any sort of increase in my metabolism after a month, nor any sort of weight loss - could just be me though?


Anonymous said...

Hi Chubby,

I found Green tea helpful towards my weight loss, mind you I had 8 cups a day for about 6 months before I noticed a difference.
I want to try the other slimming teas but I have just not got round to it.


Anonymous said...

Hey Louise,

Maybe I wasn't drinking enough or being patient. This tea I'm speaking about from Teaopia was decent though!
